Thursday, August 25, 2005

America's faux democracy

Cindy Sheehan has filmed an advertisement that accuses George W. Bush of lying about WMD and the Iraq war. She "claims the President lied about, among other things, the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq,” says Jeff Anderson the Vice President of sales at Fisher Broadcasting Inc., which owns KBCI (CBS). "There is no proof that we are aware of regarding the truthfulness of her claim. We require proof of claims such as this. Until that is provided, our station will not carry this ad."

Press freedom is alive and well in the US of A.

Watch the ad here.

UPDATE: Pat Robertson continues his contribution to tolerant debate.

1 comment:

  1. America once had a Fairness Doctrine, binding broadcasters to carry material of points of view which oppose the government and to give equal time when the government gets free airtime. These days, broadcasters can simply say 'we won't run it because we don't like your opinion.'

    Give it 20 years and the USA will be a third-rate pseudo-democracy, eclipsed by their own shortsightedness.
