Monday, August 22, 2005

Australia's future leader

"If the world is to have a hegemon, the modern United States is the kind of hegemon we would like to have: democratic, respectful of human rights, with strong and genuine belief in individual liberty."

Federal Treasurer Peter Costello, in a flight of ironic madness, no doubt.


  1. Translation:

    'I will be just as much a weak, suckholing sycophant toward America, right or wrong, as He Who Will Not Budge.'

  2. Worse than that...Costello all but accused any teacher holding left wing sympathies of being in bed with terrorists (see below). What are the odds on free speech being the next to go???

    "If your teacher's carrying that bias it tends to get passed on.…Anti-Americanism can easily morph into anti-Westernism. Particularly you've seen that with terrorists. They don't really draw distinctions between Americans or Britons or Australians; they just like to hit anybody who they consider to be part of the West."

  3. Nonsense!

    If the world is to have a hedgemon, it should be Australia!

    Any other preferences for hedgemon if the world is to have a hedgemon?

  4. Er, how about the crazy idea of building a world without a hegemon...
    And America is hardly the example of human rights and democracy. Costello's speech is littered with overtones that should concern every thinking Australian. Of course, the Oz praised his vision....Anything that slams the "Left".
