Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Tell me they're dreaming

Does anybody else find these proposals - banning the "evils" of TV's Big Brother et al - nothing more than appealing to the following constituents:

- rabid Christians/Muslims/Jews who find even the sight of a stray nipple hair too much to handle?

- those who prefer to ignore the greater problem of young men and women's body image issues during early years of puberty and development?

- those who still see our politicians as being the moral arbiters of our time?

- those who see no problem in launching an illegal war in far-away lands and violent movies screening nightly on commercial TV, but think that moral degradation is upon us with the sight of a stray breast?


  1. True enough.
    S'pose it's called the mother of all distractions - and coming from Draper. hello? major travel rort last year? - but best perhaps to just ignore it...

  2. Draper called for the movie Lolita to be refused classification long before the rort scandal, so I doubt that's the primary motive.

  3. It's just pretty rich for somebody like her - or any pollie for that matter - thinking that big brother is corrupting the kiddies. Get real...
