Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Time for a new breed

Who are the "terrorism experts" that constantly grace our screens? What are their backgrounds, qualifications and experience in the field? According to Lebanon's Daily Star columnist Rami G. Khouri, the West, and especially America, is being treated to "bravado, entertainment, 'kicking ass,' feel-good sentimentality, flag-waving patriotism, and "aw-shucks" amazement at the consistent capacity of foreigners, especially in the Arab and Islamic world, to behave according to the atavistic violence that defines them and their politics, history, religion and culture." (This also sounds like some contributors to this blog, mouthing clueless anti-Islam and blindly pro-Western propaganda.)

The key point: "Their guesswork is ideologically defined by the prevalent White House script of the day." And we can include Downing Street or Canberra, too. Are we receiving the information we want to hear or intelligence that offers uncomfortable positions on Western foreign policy decisions?


  1. give it up mate, nobody wants to hear you, this is why there is next to no responses to your biased drivel.

  2. Ah, the bastion of rationality, the neo-Nazis. Thanks Aussie Patriot
    Sorry I can't provide the kind of intellectually stimulating material you're used to reading (and how many people does that appeal to again?), but I'll keep on trying...

  3. If you want more informaton on this "patriot", check out Fight Dem Back:

    His connections and attitudes are clear for all to see...

  4. Not sure why or how he popped up, but such is the blogosphere...

  5. Don't laugh folks....AussiePatriot could well be our next Foreign Minister!!

  6. Haha classic.

    Re 'terrorism experts', how does one exactly get that title? By retiring from a life of terrorism perhaps? I mean a legal expert is always a lawyer. A rocket science expert is always a rocket scientist. And so on...

    I guess organising those awful ANU luncheons is an act of terrorism. Um, if boredom is a form of terrorism.
