Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Unfair trade

Iraqi blogger Sabbah writes about a forum that provides free access to its pornographic content to members of the United States military who are stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan, in exchange for their pictures of war.


  1. Did you look at some of those pictures Ant? I mean the gore, not the porn. Did you see the bloke whose detached face was floating in a soup bowl?

    We all of us need to see those pictures. Imagine the effect of that picture leading the NBC news in prime time.

    And so we keep descending... how much lower can we go?

  2. Sadly, I've seen some of these pics. War is ugly, to be sure, but the swapping of porn for war porn is low.
    Let's see how long it takes for the mainstream media to actually show the true horrors of war. They never will, of course, because that would automatically reduce support for all war to a standstill.
