Tuesday, August 16, 2005

We're outta there

"...The president's claim on Thursday that "no decision has been made yet" about withdrawing troops from Iraq can be taken exactly as seriously as the vice president's preceding fantasy that the insurgency is in its "last throes." The country has already made the decision for Mr. Bush. We're outta there. Now comes the hard task of identifying the leaders who can pick up the pieces of the fiasco that has made us more vulnerable, not less, to the terrorists who struck us four years ago next month."

Frank Rich, The New York Times, August 14

From an Australian perspective, the question is obvious. Is there a timetable for the withdrawal of Australian troops? If so, we have a right to know it. If not, why not. The war is lost and Australia, as shown with its treatment of David Hicks, cares little more than keeping the Americans happy. Be rest assured that Australia will maintain its troops in Iraq until the Americans have made a decision to withdraw at least some of its forces.


  1. Do these rumblings about withdrawal from Iraq from respected commentators (Tony Parkinson?) mean that Mark Latham will now be resurrected from his banishment to the Outer Darkness and refurbished as a visionary?

  2. That'll be the day.
    If Latham had true guts, though, he would have demanded the immediate withdrawal of troops, BUT, to be fair, his suggestion of troops home by xmas was a gutsy call, in the political environment. and let's not forget that rudd thought the troops should stay.
