"The federal government's proposed voluntary student unionism (VSU) legislation will effectively sound the death knell for university sport in Australia (along with just about every other service offered by student organisations).
"On Sunday night, federal education minister Dr Brendan Nelson called in to the North Ryde Hockey field to watch his daughter play.
"The match that had just ended featured Macquarie University and UTS.
"Bad timing Brendan."
Hockey in particular will get hammered. The uni clubs (UTS, Mac, USyd and UNSW) are fairly big and cater for both junior and senior, men and women. That's a LOT of people who won't be able to play next year if they don't pony up the $700 rego fee.
Rich girls do equestrian.
ie, Miranda Panda.
Go troll her blog Shaba.
Sport is a trickier matter, but the ANU student association managed to cut its spending on clubs & societies this year from $75,000 to $8,200 - all without increasing membership fees or real loss of services.
Some people - those who knew how to squeeze every cent by applying for this and that grant to do X, Y, and Z - lost out big time. Everyone else noticed no change.
Well it made the insiders.....
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