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Name: Antony Loewenstein
Home: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A head-start

Back in early December, I was a runner-up in Smartyhost's best Australian blog competition. The top prize of $10,000 passed me by, but I received a reward nonetheless. Worth $120, I was given the following for one year:

- 50 megabyte hosting package
- blogging software
- domain name registration

I've long wanted to assist aspiring, young journalists in the difficult first years. Jobs in the industry are notoriously hard to find, degrees in the field often lead to PR and idealism is rarely rewarded in the corporate media.

Let me make a small contribution. I'd like to offer the above prize to an Australian citizen under the age of 25 who is keen to start his or her own website and display their writing to the world. You may be interested in domestic issues or international events. You may just need a kick-start to find your unique voice. Maybe we can find the next Robert Fisk or Seymour Hersh.

In my early days, I was assisted by many established journalists - though never financially - and this brought much-needed confidence and contacts.

So, if you're under 25 and fit the above criteria, write to me with a small example of your work before February 1 (antloew[at] and I'd love to make this humble contribution. I'll select the person I believe is the most enthusiastic, curious, gutsy and best writer.

I'll announce the winner on this blog and provide whatever assistance I can.

Good luck.

UPDATE: If any reader knows of a young, hotshot journalist in waiting, please pass this message along.


Blogger Pete said...

Dear Antony

I'm over 25 you bastard.

But Happy New Year nevertheless.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006 2:08:00 pm  
Blogger Antony Loewenstein said...

I'd love to offer more, but alas...
In time, I hope I can.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 2:30:00 pm  
Blogger Rich Bowden said...

Aaah's the thought that counts!

Great to see someone encouraging independence and putting something back into Australian journalism. Congratulations!

By the way, tell me when you get around to offering a prize for cranky old wannabe journos!

All the best in '06 mate!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 2:39:00 pm  
Blogger Antony Loewenstein said...

Thanks Rich,
Many 'cranky old wannabe journos' probably need the money too, but alas, gotta support the up and comers, yes?
Best wishes to you for the year.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 2:43:00 pm  
Blogger Antony Loewenstein said...

The prize includes internet usage, setting up a domain name etc. Blogger is free, true, as are many other blogging sites, but this is very different. Hosting a website, up to 50mb, ain't free.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 2:50:00 pm  
Blogger Antony Loewenstein said...

Er, I didn't go to Scopus or a Jewish school.
Not feeling threatened at all, are you, little wilting Violet?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 4:02:00 pm  
Blogger James Waterton said...

I'll have a crack! Look, I just wrote a tops China analysis that surely qualifies me for hotshot status!

Just out of curiosity, is the internet package refundable, by any chance? No reason, just askin'.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 8:29:00 pm  
Blogger James Waterton said...

Oh, and prior to that, I posted a rather funny photo of two slags shagging in the front seat of a Hyundai Excel whilst their kid was still in the back.

Surely I'm a shoo-in. All your web domain are belong to us.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006 8:33:00 pm  
Blogger James Waterton said...

Yeehaa, someone read it! It is quite a lengthy piece - most blog lurkers don't have much of an attention span. Anyway, don't fear - just minimise your China exposure investment-wise and get a job in the public service. If I'm right and China goes to the wall, you should have an income and your assets will still be intact!

Okay, now I'm dispensing financial advice. Give me the prize, already.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 12:56:00 am  
Blogger Human said...

That is very nice of you Anthony. The envy and jealousy exhibited by some is a compliment that lays in their lies.
btw- What site won 1st prize?


Wednesday, January 04, 2006 8:28:00 am  
Blogger James Waterton said...

My site did, Human. The Hyundai pic clinched it.

I'm enjoying $120 worth of domain-hosting goodness as we speak.

Mmm. Peace to that.

Addamo - happy new year to you, too! Did you like the China piece? A bit long winded, I know ...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 7:51:00 pm  
Blogger James Waterton said...

It would be catastrophic for both the US and the EU in the short-medium term, it's true. Problem is, what on earth could they do about it once it's happening? Once the mobs and the tanks are on the streets (which could happen very quickly), the crisis has reached a critical mass and there's not a goddamn thing an outsider can do short of occupying the country.

Also, a downturn in the American economy could very well prove the breaking point for China's economy. As I said, China is only powering along thanks to the confidence of outsiders - to a large degree American corporate investors. If the American economy hits the skids, China's will tank too, but with far greater consequences.

Thursday, January 05, 2006 4:27:00 am  
Blogger James Waterton said...

It will certainly be difficult. America may have to start sourcing its goods elsewhere. China isn't the only place in the world that makes cheap crap. If there are things that only China makes, prices for certain goods will rise. China's collapse will most probably also mean a fall in the value of the USD against other currencies - China will no longer be in a financial position to intervene massively in currency and bond markets to keep it artificially expensive. This will dampen consumer confidence markedly, as the cost of imported goods rises. However, it will also close the trade deficit, as American exports look more attractive to foreigners.

The difference between Argentina and China in economic crisis mode is the way the authorities in China will deal with the ensuing social upheaval. For starters, when Argentina was unravelling in 2001, it was quite obvious that the de la Rua administration was doomed. He quickly fell on his sword in the face of massive protests. The democratic process allowed the people to vent their frustrations at the ballot box soon after. In China there are no such freedoms - if the leadership senses popular discontent spiralling out of control, they will do whatever it takes to suppress it. This will be their undoing because the popular tide will be too strong, and this is what I mean when I say the political system in China is brittle. Argentina's democracy is flexible and can absorb financial upheaval.

Thursday, January 05, 2006 8:12:00 pm  

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