Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bring it on!

The State of the Union speech, delivered by a real President.

UPDATE: George W. Bush's main message:

"War will always be with us. I define this country in terms of war. I can do unusual, even illegal things, because we are at war. You cannot criticise me because we are at war. I have no intention of ending this war, only of promising that it will continue for a long, long time."


  1. That is so lame. The left is so good at marginalising itself.

  2. Same old from George. And from James and the other bloke too.

    The real story is that Cindy Sheehan was arrested for the crime of wearing a T shirt with the '2245 dead - how many more' on it.

    What a country.

  3. Smiths: awww, I feel your pain, honey. You being such a level headed and incisive commentator and all - those that can't manage the rhetorical flourishes evident in your last sentence must be so frustrating.

  4. Orang,
    I hear you but for now, it ain't gonna change. Too much abuse and bile and that's simply not on.
    BUT, there are some changes in the pipe-line, so hold tight.

  5. I said this before but the comment was cut, so here it is again.

    I think smiths got a bee in his bonnet because he posted the link to that speech in an earlier thread, and Ant picked it up and used it unattributed. Bad show!

    Incidentally, that SOU spoof is old as the hills. I think it was created to take the piss (badly) out of the 2002 SOU speech - although it could have been 2003. I seem to remember thinking how juvenile it was back them. Whoever made it just can't do subtlety, eh?

    DBO: tres witty.

  6. Antony, why don't you spend a bit of cash and get yourself fixed up with a typepad blog or something? Then you can IP ban people.

    Or, for even less money, a lot of those webtracker services offer the same service for next to nothing. Orang is right - moderation is crap. I'm sure someone in the commentariat who knows more about computers than myself would be happy to help you out. It would also be easy to simply delete the comments of people you've decided are banned. If you're worried about comments threads getting too long to police, you could ask a trusted member of your commentariat - DBO, Addamo etc - to become a member of the blog. That will give them policing powers, and they could delete comments from those that are banned. I think Addamo would be suited to the job - he's fair minded, scrupulous and follows the threads religiously. He'd be a perfect candidate to weed out the anti-semites, racists etc.

    By the way, I noticed that you've censored several rather tame posts of mine (certainly nothing anti-semitic, racist, etc) of late. Why have you done this? From what I can see, I haven't broken any of your comment rules - although I was quite scathing of you in one where I criticised you for posting old material like that geriatric SOU address from at least 3 years ago.

    Anyway, I wonder if this post will get past your censorious fingers. Never mind if it doesn't; as long as you've read it.

  7. Re this site.
    Changes will be coming soon re comments etc etc. Very busy at the mo', so hang tight people.

  8. Well, whilst you're busy why not put up with the aberrations in the commentariat for the hear and now and just deregulate comments? Then - when you're willing to get serious with this whole blogging caper - start to administer comments in a way that allows the rapid flow of ideas as well as barring the abusive.

    Just a thought.
