Wednesday, February 01, 2006

An ethical blank cheque

Richard Drayton, senior lecturer in history at Cambridge University, The Guardian, May 10 2005:

"The ‘good war’ against Hitler has underwritten 60 years of warmaking. It has become an ethical blank cheque for British and US power. We claim the right to bomb, to maim, to imprison without trial on the basis of direct and implicit appeals to the war against fascism.

"When we fall out with such tyrant friends as Noriega, Milosevic or Saddam we rebrand them as 'Hitler'. In the 'good war' against them, all bad things become forgettable 'collateral damage'. The devastation of civilian targets in Serbia or Iraq, torture at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the war crime of collective punishment in Falluja, fade to oblivion as the 'price of democracy'."


  1. And the alternative is??? You lefties like to complain without giving us an a reasonable and workable alternative.

  2. Mate I only started posting on this site since the other day. How have I been keeping insisting on something from one or two posts? Unless you mean some other Anthony out there...somewhere that isn’t me.

    Sure where applicable these Tyrants should not of been funded I agree. However they are here now and need to be dealt with.

    Also apply your resources line to the real would take years to bring about alternative renewable resources there is no on/off switch.

    The slaughter happening in Iraq is not due to the American troops but these so called insurgents. It’s much easier to strap bombs to their chests and kill civilians then to take on the yanks.

    At the end of the day it’s not the Western Democracy’s that are at fault. It’s really simple...religion. You have all these idiots following some archaic nonsense telling them the other side is wrong.

  3. Addamo : Yeah like I said *all* religion is archaic nonsense be it Christian, Jewish, Muslim whatever.

    On the tyrants...your right they haven’t learnt at all no argument there. Again your correct what needs to happen is for a new fuel source to come along that will make oil redundant and reduce the Middle East into the insignificant desert it is. There may be some hope on this..even Bush is talking about alternative fuels.,5478,18006224^661,00.html

    Smiths: These insurgents are not taking on the Americans head on, they would lose. They have resorted to vile terrorist style attacks as it’s more productive to their cause. They don’t give a damn about the people. You really think the Americans (no matter how wrong you think the war is) would purposely target civilians?

  4. Addamo_01 the Sunni were the oppressors of the old regime. Don't really feel sorry for them...paybacks a bitch aint it.

    Besides most of the civillians dying are not Sunni, the terrorists...oh sorry "freedom fighters" are targeting the Shiaites. It's funny don't you think that alot of these "freedom fighters" are not Iraqi??
