Thursday, February 02, 2006

Learning nothing from history

Gideon Samet, Haaretz, February 1:

"They [Hamas] will be forced to behave as will be necessary in order continue to do what brought them to power: seeing to the livelihood of a downtrodden population. Without moderation, in a few months they will have no money from the West and from Israel, without which their main agenda, which is not to throw the Jews into the sea, will be wiped out. From this side, election season will dumb down even further the talk about the Palestinian leadership. But after all, it will not be long before we will have to talk to it. Why not initiate the talks and hold them to their word when it turns out that they are no more monstrous than the PLO and Fatah seemed at the time? There can be only one reason: Israel has forgotten nothing and learned nothing after dozens of years of accursed policy blunders.

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