Tuesday, February 07, 2006

One country, two rules

Israel is a state where all citizens are treated equally, unless, of course, you're an Arab:

"Shin Bet security services show more leniency toward Jewish terror suspects than toward Israeli Arab or Palestinian suspects, the services chief, Yuval Diskin, was taped as saying on Monday.

"'If we're talking about discrimination, you would find out that the discrimination leans much more in favour of Jews than Arabs,' Diskin said in his talk last month."

Meanwhile, the settlement population in the West Bank rose in 2005. Yet another example of the Jewish state's dedication to the peace process.


  1. Israel is faced with terrorism every day, to protect its citizens it's simply targeting the demographic most likely to commit terrorist attacks.

    Israel cant afford to be politically correct in their security.

    The Court's dealings with Jews are naturally going to be more lenient than with foreigners who are seeking to destroy Israel.

    You call it discrimination, I call it realism.

  2. How? Because Israel has accepted that the main threats to its security will clearly come from Muslims?

    Like I said, Israel cant afford to be politically correct in their security.

  3. Interesting (although perhaps I mean utterly hypocritical) that you'd agree with such thinking, "Progressive Atheist", but you should realise that this course of action is strategically suicidal for the Palestinians due to the disparity of power between the two protagonists.

  4. Did you read the article, Atheist? It claimed discrimination against Arab Muslims in the Courts and by the Shin Bet. How is the 'discrimination' by these two, that is, the former coming down harder on Muslims in sentencing, and the latter focusing attention on investigating, questioning, and detaining Muslims, similar to terrorists targeting Jews for death to- at best- produce a Palestinian state or their more likely aim, to destroy the Jewish state?

    Israeli courts will be soft on Jewish terrorists (when they pop up) because their aim is not to destroy Israel (although I'm sure the odd exception to this comes up). Muslims that are trying to destoy Israel deserve a tougher sentece (preferably the remainder of their wasted lives in prison)

  5. No, I didn't miss the irony in your post. What you suggested was an "eye for an eye" solution - if it's good enough for the Israelis, it's good enough for the Palestinians. So basically you're as bad as those you disdain. It's just that your boys are weaker than the other team.

    And no, it doesn't make folly of the belief that Hamas would drive Israel into the sea - they most certainly would. If they could. Oops! What was that? Oh, it's just the point eluding you. Again.

  6. James, did Atheist ever explain why he decided Jesus wasn't born in Bethlehem? I seem to have lost the post...
