Saturday, August 20, 2005

Big difference

Thomas McCosker is a Victorian man sentenced to two years' jail in Fiji for having consensual sex with a man. Sodomy is a crime in Fiji and yet the injustice of this case has been virtually ignored in Australia.

The difference to the Schapelle Corby case is telling. The Australian government has consistently been seen to be doing something for Corby - the effectiveness is another matter - while McCosker has been left out to dry. His supposed "crime" is undoubtedly a factor.


  1. It isn't just the government that's let him down. I found that there was very little mention of the case in the media or in the blogosphere. The only mention I know of was by Richard Ackland in an opinion case.

  2. Vasco,
    I take your point. If and when one travels in a foreign country, one is indeed subjected to their laws. Fair enough. But the lack of interest or care shown by the Aussie govt is telling, dat's all...
    And yes, still calling gay male sex sodomy, is, er, rather sad...

  3. What's wrong with naming sex acts after locations? What next, objections to the term "lesbian"?

    Talking of different amount of interest:

    Google news for Thomas McCosker: 1-5 of 5
    Google news for David Hicks Australia: 1-10 of 393

  4. Antony, I covered McCosker on my old blog back in April ( Sam over at Queer Penguin has also had a few words on the subject. It certainly seems that McCosker was denied proper consular assistance; malfeasance or malice? Hard telling...
