Saturday, August 20, 2005

Sucking them dry

The Gaza "disengagement" is nearly over - a media circus created by Israel for maximum world attention and trauma - and already the Jewish state is asking for more money. US$2.2 billion, to be precise.

Israel's ambassador in Washington, Daniel Ayalon, said he hoped America would be generous and support the development of Galilee and Negev. His chutzpah knows no bounds. "This would be a strong political message from the United States...for what we are doing. Israel is a cornerstone for stability in the Middle East", he said.

Washington has offered the Palestinians around US$240 million in its 2006 budget.


  1. Thanks Daniel Pipes. So glad you're reading my blog. Keep it up. We need more of your bigotry here...

  2. US$3 billion plus a year buys a good many helicopter gun ships, missiles, jets, bulldozers, etc.
    Then there's the cost of the Wall alone, that great contribution to human civilisation.
    Israel is a parasite nation.
    Builds character. Though what sort of character?

  3. Thanks Daniel Pipes. So glad you're reading my blog. Keep it up. We need more of your bigotry here...

    The article wasn't by Pipes, Ant. Interesting, your reaction to mention of honour killings.

    Israel is a parasite nation.

    Gosh that sounds familiar. Reminiscent of statements made well before 1948.

  4. Honour killings is wrong, come on.
    Look, to condemn an entire people because of a few extremists is ludicrous.
    Israel as a parasite nation? I wouldn't use such words, for the record, despite my strong objection to the Jewish state in its current form...
