Saturday, August 13, 2005


"It is very disheartening that investors and otherwise sensible journalists continue to fall for the Rupert Murdoch charisma machine and ignore the obvious fact that News Corp is a nothing but a badly performing business mostly run by untrustworthy people."

Alan Kohler, Sydney Morning Herald, August 13-14


  1. Is this good or bad news in your opinion?

  2. Most day jobs don't involve working weekends ... yet.

  3. Israel withdraw to Tel Aviv and get out of Jerusalem? What a good idea - consistent with initial UN legitimation.
    Given that Mike J has a tertiary education, he is not very bright, an occupational hazard for Zionists.
    The hapless Habel is right. Israel is sitting on stolen land.
    The pathological condition of Habel is entirely rational, given that he has spent his entire life in captivity on grounds of the innate inferiority of his race. The pathological condition of Mike J, having enjoyed a privileged upbringing, is another matter. So also the pathological condition of all those loony tunes who inhabit the Settlements. These desire urgent attention and amelioration, for the good of all of us.
    Were Israel to get out of the whole of the West BAnk and East Jerusalem as well as Gaza, the Habel's of this world would either be transformed or be sent to reform school. Israel would still be getting a bargain, sitting on more territory than it deserves.
    MOre fundamentally, Israel should get out of the West Bank and East Jerusalem because it is morally right. In this respect the existence of a Abdel HAbel is irrelevant.
    Its Ethics 101. Back to school for Mike J.

  4. Mike, your ignorance is rather humourous. All Pales hate Israel and want it destroyed? Jesus, what are you, Netanyahu?
    Evan is completely right. It takes a lifetime of Zionist indoctrination to still believe such nonsense, but then, it's so much easier relating to Israelis than Pales, isn't it?

  5. Damn straight Ant. This discussion proves that to the well indoctrinated, regardless of the topic (in this case the Murdoch press), the argument is always the same. Palestinians "depraved enemeis of (Jewish) civilisation", Israelis the victims, along with their hundreds of nukes and NATO-strength army.

    Speaking of the Murdoch press, somewhat 'comforting' to read Kohler, ever an economic conservative as there was, being so outspoken against the big Rupe. Comforting because even within the bounds of mainstream analysis, Murdoch's absurdity has not escaped unnoticed.

  6. Mike

    how do you spin the same sort of extreme statements from so many Zionists - I posted pages of them a while ago; will find them if you want. Notables like Ben Gurion, Dayan, Begin, Meir and plenty of rabbis, leading academics etc.

    Rehavem Ze'evi, a former Sharon govt minister, called Palestinians 'lice which must be exterminated'. Not long after, they exterminated him. Hard to feel sorry for him really,just as I'm sure you'd find it hard to sympathise with your example above. They named a street after Ze'evi, giving you some indication of official Israeli sentiments toward their own exterminating extremists. I believe there's an officially sanctioned shrine to Baruch Goldstein too. Perhaps Ivan Milat should get one as well, eh?

    The point is there's extreme nihilist killers on both sides. The Israelis have killed 3 times as many Palestinians than they have lost with their state army alone, without even having to call on their analogues of your bloke above. Those analogues, like Goldstein, reckon the army isn't killing ENOUGH Palestinians, and so they take matters into their own hands, safe in the knowledge that after a few tut-tuts, they'll be canonised.

    So both sides can be criticised, but one has far more reason to be upset than the other. Guess which?

    Back to topic - I recall a certain Alan Kohler breathlessly confessing after sitting at the feet of Murdoch that he and his fellows in the press found it hard to criticise or question the great man, given his status as perhaps the only globally important Australian, one who took the world on and won- that sort of thing. They were all so starry-eyed at that presscon that Rupert got away with claiming he was challenging the ARL's 'monopoly' of rugby league... no one thought to counterpoint his own desire simply to replace the ARL monopoly with his own, or his relentlessness in further concentrating Austrlia's media ownership pool.

    It wasn't the done thing back then. People grow up I suppose, but times must have changed too.

  7. Israel withdraw to Tel Aviv and get out of Jerusalem? What a good idea - consistent with initial UN legitimation.

    Good grief, you want Israel to withdraw not to the pre-1967 borders (which had Israel in the western part of Jerusalem), but to the lines drawn up before the war in 1948?

    The hapless Habel is right. Israel is sitting on stolen land.

    Which bits of Israel do you consider non-stolen, if any?

    the Habel's of this world would either be transformed or be sent to reform school

    Mike quoted primary sources to support his assertion. Are you going to do the same?

    Mike, your ignorance is rather humourous. All Pales hate Israel and want it destroyed?

    Mike didn't say that (and I don't believe it - a few even want Israel to stay in Gaza and the West Bank). But I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of terrorists want Israel destroyed, rather than just withdrawing to pre-1967 lines.

    Rehavem Ze'evi, a former Sharon govt minister, called Palestinians 'lice which must be exterminated'.

    Did he refer to Palestinians or to terrorists as lice?
