Sunday, August 14, 2005

Following them home

Check out my Sun-Herald review of Following Them Home, a fascinating and sad book about the refugees Australia sends back to their alleged country of origin and the price many of them pay for their treatment while here.


  1. Anyone who criticises Bob Ellis has my support in doing so.

    I may or may not be part of the book's target audience, but I found the mention of neo-colonialism a bit of a distraction.

  2. Well, if you don't see that the Pacific solution isn't a shameless version of exploitation aka post-colonialism, then read further...
    and yes, read the book...

  3. Antony, have DIMIA yet given visas to the Afghanis they have in their offshore penal colonies? Afgo is a lot safer now that HoWARd has sent troops back in there.

  4. There are indeed many Afghanis still on Nauru waiting decisions, visas etc AND afgo, of course, is not safe enough to be returned to legally. So what to do? The media ignores Nauru these days, far too difficult seemingly...
