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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I like his thinking

The following letter appears in today's Melbourne Age:

"SURE, we'd all think a lot better of the Muslims if they showed more tolerance of other people's religions. But try to convince me it wasn't a calculated propaganda exercise that the Israelis left the synagogues standing among the wreckage on their way out of Gaza, knowing that the world's headlines would run with their destruction by the Palestinians."

Gordon Drennan, Burton, SA

Meron Benvenisti, Former Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, wrote recently that the Israelis probably hoped the destruction of synagogues would be a propaganda coup. Furthermore:

"The Palestinians may wonder whether the principle that one must not harm holy sites applies only to synagogues, or to abandoned mosques and churches as well. Does the demand that the Palestinians - or an international body - take responsibility for the synagogues apply also to the Israeli government vis-a-vis the abandoned mosques in Israel? And if we are in such a hurry to expose the Palestinians' shame to the world, are we ready to expose Israel's shameful behaviour vis-a-vis the Moslem holy sites as well?

"Out of some 140 village mosques that were abandoned due to the war in 1948, some 100 were totally torn down. The rest, about 40, are in advanced stages of collapse and neglect, or are used by the Jewish residents for other purposes."


Blogger Irf said...

er, is it just me? or do i get the feeling that all those mosques and churches the IDF and the mad settlers have destroyed over the years just don't figure? does the blood of a thousand arab goyim really not even equate to one jewish fingernail?

Thursday, September 15, 2005 11:21:00 am  
Blogger Glenn Condell said...

'go read naipaul's brilliant "among the believers", '

Naipaul's an Anglophile racist; brilliant writer I agree, but a racist nonetheless. Wagner was too, you'll recall but it was Jews he hated. You don't go to such people for moral or political guidance.

'for these people to be whinging about losing a little land'

for a moment there I thought you were referring to the settlers...

uhuh has it right. Get off their land for God's sake and they'll stop blowing you up. Simple.

And irf, thanks for reminding me of that fingernail quote - wasn't it from the rabbi who performed the funeral service for Baruch Goldstein? A man who murdered 29 Muslims at prayer in a mosque, a doctor who refused to treat non-Jews, a man who had a shrine dedicated to him by fellow extremists...

Zionist ugliness loses nothing in comparison to the Islamicists. Likudniks are just lucky enough to be a protected species in Western political discourse, but the manufactured prevalence of a Likudnik preference in Western media and polities generally may not last much longer.

Thursday, September 15, 2005 11:55:00 am  

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