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Name: Antony Loewenstein
Home: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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Friday, November 11, 2005

The new enemy

John Pilger examines the revolution sweeping Latin America. A rejection of American imperialism and exploitation is rumbling and the Bush administration is worried:

" The social movements are now a decisive force in every Latin American country - even in the state of fear that is the Colombia of Alvaro Uribe Velez, Bush's most loyal vassal. Last month, indigenous movements marched through every one of Colombia's 32 provinces demanding an end to "an evil as great at the gun": neo-liberalism. All over Latin America, Hugo Chavez is the modern Bolivar. People admire his political imagination and his courage. Only he has had the guts to describe the United States as a source of terrorism and Bush as Senor Peligro (Mr Danger).

"He is very different from Fidel Castro, whom he respects. Venezuela is an extraordinarily open society with an unfettered opposition - that is rich and still powerful. On the left, there are those who oppose the state, in principle, believe its reforms have reached their limit, and want power to flow directly from the community. They say so vigorously, yet they support Chavez. A fluent young anarchist, Marcel, showed me the clinic where the two Cuban doctors may have saved his girlfriend. (In a barter arrangement, Venezuela gives Cuba oil in exchange for doctors)."

The American Empire - irreparably battered in Iraq - is dying. Washington will still dictate policy for years to come, but the signs are encouraging. A fall is imminent and it can't come a day too soon.


Blogger Pete said...


Methinks Hugo Chavez has the Latin allure of a Che Guevara.

While the US shouldn't be in Iraq or have dragged Auslralia in, as empires go America's appears to be good one.

When you compare the Soviet Empire (dewalled), Nazi's (not nice), more to the point the Japanese East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere (WWII) the American Empire comes out relatively clean.

With the prospect of a Chinese Co-Prosperity Sphere in Asia within the next 10 years I'm confident you will sleep relatively peacefully knowing America is there to watch over you.

Besides Bush will be gone and we may have another cuddly (Hilary) Clinton.

Friday, November 11, 2005 10:23:00 am  
Blogger Antony Loewenstein said...

We must disagree about US empire. And its causing more enemies by the day, thankfully.
Hilary Clinton? Jeez, she'd be bombing Iran and Syria before lunchtime.

Friday, November 11, 2005 10:31:00 am  
Blogger Antony Loewenstein said...

It's happening, virtually ignored in our media, and the US is worried, hence it's typical 'democratic' impulse to overthrow governments and cause chaos.

Friday, November 11, 2005 12:05:00 pm  
Blogger Antony Loewenstein said...

Perhaps I'll source the Human Rights Watch reports on the US, then Guantanamo, then the US torturing prisoners across the world and how about the CIA running 'black sites' across the world.
Yep, the US inspires hope in us all.

Friday, November 11, 2005 2:33:00 pm  
Blogger Human said...

smiths - don't waste your time dabbadick. He does not dare click on any links provided.
Human Rights Watch has been comprimised by the CIA just like the PEACE CORPS was/is.
After being slaves by proxy to the U.S. for about a hundred years, they want Democracy? Maybe Superior can set Pilger straight?

Friday, November 11, 2005 3:55:00 pm  

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