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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Run to the hills

Voices of reason emerge over the cartoon controversy:

"Thousands of Muslims are expected to attend a rally in London at the weekend to protest at both the publication of cartoons defiling the image of the Prophet Mohamed and the response of Islamic extremists.

"Muslim leaders will use the demonstration to call for calm and urge the media to apologise for the offence they have caused. The rally, expected to be one of the biggest Muslim demonstrations in Britain, is to be sponsored by Muslim newspapers and broadcasters."

No such common-sense from some so-called "free-speech" advocates who, if they were honest, should admit that it's yet another way to justify their belief that Muslims are threatening our "Western" way of life.

But let's not forget: the Soviets also wanted to take over the world.


Blogger James Waterton said...

That might be the reason, however every year there are many deaths and I'm sure 350 dead on Jan 12th isn't the largest death toll on a single day. I remember reading that fires in the enormous tent cities erected for the event kill scores. As an aside, Muslims believe (or are told) that being killed in Mecca during Haj is an instant trip to heaven.

Mannie :

"homosexuals are routinely murdered in many western countries as well, and not much is done by governments to stop the slaughter."

What, apart from outlawing murder and pursuing the perpetrators of such crimes? What more do you want?

Saturday, February 11, 2006 2:32:00 pm  

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